Well here is my project progress. I painted it a lovely copper which isn't relly very well depected in my photo. I will have to do some adjusting before listing this item in order to show its real beauty.
So, copper paint with a black paint outline with copper nails to hang the jewelry pieces on and gold hooks.
I will be adding a cording or some other decoration around the inside area of the mirror to cover the raw edges and a jewel in the hole at the tip of the arrow.
I will install a saw tooth hanger to the back so it can be hung on the wall. If I were keeping it I would actually put a screw through it attaching to the wall (it would be more secure that way)
It is equiped to hold thrity three (33) plus pieces of jewelry. I say plus because the hooks could really hold more than one piece of jewelry.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
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