Hello and thank you for your interest in being interviewed, or having me drop by your shop for my personal review at which time I will tell my readers what I found in your shop, what I liked, your customer feedback and how your customer service is based on those customer comments. I will include links to your shop and perhaps links to the items I liked or felt was unique or different.
I write these articles for the Examiner.com which has a worldwide following numbering in the hundreds of thousands, so exposure is good.
The first thing I would ask of you is for you to take a look at my interview articles and reviews to get an idea of what I write about, how the interviews are structured and how the article looks once published
click here.
Then if you are interested I would like for you to subscribe to my article page, this allows the examiner.com to notify you via e-mail whenever I publish (you will never be spammed by the examiner.com nor will your e-mail address be shared or sold) because I don't have the time or resources to notify all of my folks.
You will notice that there are sharing buttons so that you can share the article via Facebook, twitter and other social media’s that you participate in (this is highly encouraged); there is a ‘like’ button and a ‘comment’ area, I encourage you to also use these support features for the article and Artisan’s featured, this helps promote all of us. When you leave a comment I like for you to include a link to your Etsy shop, that way the readers will always have the opportunity to visit your shop as well as those who are featured. This is a good way to keep you in the public eye. What could be better than free advertising just for leaving a comment?
I am doing my part to support all of you and would hope that you do the same for me and those featured. I have a full time job, a home and family, I also craft and have my Etsy shop. I do this on my own time and I do not charge my fellow Artisan’s for my service. My motto is always (as you will see) “Pay IT Forward”.
Okay, now that we have the technicalities out of the way, I ask that you include my shop in your circle just because it makes it real easy for me to grab your shop link. I tried doing my interview list via e-mail but then folks would send me multiple e-mails because they would forget this or that, so you can imagine how confusing and overloaded my inbox became. Now that Etsy has added the circle feature I find that I can manage the situation better. I will randomly grab shops to do quick reviews and publish quite often. I’m still trying to come up with a way to handle the interview process as I know not all folks will want to do an actual interview. For now I am just going to make a written list of those who are interested in the full review. My interviews are similar to those that Etsy does only mine are published to the Examiner.com which is an online news media.
I am happy to answer any questions that you may have, you can leave a comment here on my blog or convo me via Etsy.
Happy selling!
♥ Bettie
I am going to include some critiques in future articles from shops that I have bought items from and this way the readers can get the scoop from someone has had an online shopping experience with these shops.
I cannot afford to purchase something from every shop so if you would like a critique from me, you will have to send me something. If you want it back you will need to provide everything necessary for me to return the item to you. Sign up via comment on this blog.