June 23, 5:57 PM Artisans ExaminerBettie St.Ours
I can't tell you how many people tell me how horrible their commute is here in Northern Virginia! So many of my fellow artisans have encountered the "commute from hell"!
I am guessing that everyone has a story to relate to this topic. I am seriously considering starting an open forum for all of you to get the stress of commuting off your chest. I know that sometimes when I am just able to vent and get some degree of sympathy that it really helps.
My question to you as a reader is...would you be interested in this type of reading? Would you participate and leave comments and or tell us about your commuting woes? I could also collect some of your stories to turn into articles. I think that some stories and concerns should be put out the for others to read, sometime people just don't 'get it' until they hear or read about it.
Like why do people ride the left lane and refuse to got over to let others get by? Or why when other try to get by that slower person in the left lane, do they then speed up so that you can't get past them?
Let me know via comments below what you think of this idea. I appreciate your input.
NOTE: All active links can be found on the article page CLICK HERE
Friday, June 25, 2010
'One Delightful Button' leads to many delightful creations for this artisan...
June 23, 11:27 AM Artisans Examiner Bettie St.Ours
...and Katie Bowling is one 'delightful' young lady! Katie really loves Bluegrass music but also enjoys many other genres as well; her favorite food is Guacamole and chips; her favorite colors are turquoise/light pink; and she absolutely loves Lucy, her 'delightful' little miniature Dachshund puppy.
Do you have a day job?
I am a substitute teacher and I work part-time for an organization called Young Life which is a Christian outreach organization.
How did you choose your shop name, "One Delightful Button"?
I found a jar of buttons at an antique store this fall and just loved finding creative things to make with them. I thought it was fit that my shop name includes buttons. There was not "one delightful button" that inspired the name though. I just thought it sounded cool!
In your opinion what is the most important factor to running a successful on-line shop or business?
I think finding your niche is essential. As my Etsy shop has developed I have tried to create somewhat of a theme that unifies my design. I also think it’s important that you stay true to yourself.
Have you ever had a project that didn't turn out well? If so, how did you fix it?
Well not that one didn't turn out well but a lot of times I'll come up with an idea and will start to work on it and then finish a few weeks later. I am always thinking of new ideas, but sometimes it takes awhile to get up the courage to make it. Also, I am learning to sew and it has been fun and challenging!
What do you do for fun when you aren't crafting?
My husband and I love working on our house together. We bought an older home and have been fixing it up since August and have made a lot of progress. We live by the beach too and love to go on walks there.
What do you like the most about your crafting?
I just love discovering how to make new things. How do you promote your business? I twitter, Face Book, sell my items to friends and wear things I made almost every day. Wearing my items really seems to generate interest locally.
Please be sure to check out the slide show below to see some of Katie's creations and be sure visit her shop, "One Delightful Button" on Etsy.
How did you like this interview? Please leave a comment below.
♥ If you liked this article and want to know when I publish more articles and personal interviews with talented artisans CLICK HERE to subscribe to this column or use the button at the top of the page, that way you will receive an automatic e-mail notification (no spam) whenever I publish an article (and while you're at it, please help me out by choosing me as your 'fav' Examiner) using the button above (: AND please always leave a comment below.
♥If you are a shop owner and/or an artisan and want to be interviewed, CLICK HERE to subscribe to this column, leave a comment (below) then grab the interview questionnaire from my blog and follow the instructions for submission. I'd love to publish an article about YOU!
Don't forget to visit my many artisan friends at Etsy.com and the VA Etsy Team for your shopping pleasure.
Until next time I wish you a good day today and every day!
Remember to always 'Pay IT Forward' because one good deed deserves another.
NOTE: All active links can be found on the article page CLICK HERE
...and Katie Bowling is one 'delightful' young lady! Katie really loves Bluegrass music but also enjoys many other genres as well; her favorite food is Guacamole and chips; her favorite colors are turquoise/light pink; and she absolutely loves Lucy, her 'delightful' little miniature Dachshund puppy.
Do you have a day job?
I am a substitute teacher and I work part-time for an organization called Young Life which is a Christian outreach organization.
How did you choose your shop name, "One Delightful Button"?
I found a jar of buttons at an antique store this fall and just loved finding creative things to make with them. I thought it was fit that my shop name includes buttons. There was not "one delightful button" that inspired the name though. I just thought it sounded cool!
In your opinion what is the most important factor to running a successful on-line shop or business?
I think finding your niche is essential. As my Etsy shop has developed I have tried to create somewhat of a theme that unifies my design. I also think it’s important that you stay true to yourself.
Have you ever had a project that didn't turn out well? If so, how did you fix it?
Well not that one didn't turn out well but a lot of times I'll come up with an idea and will start to work on it and then finish a few weeks later. I am always thinking of new ideas, but sometimes it takes awhile to get up the courage to make it. Also, I am learning to sew and it has been fun and challenging!
What do you do for fun when you aren't crafting?
My husband and I love working on our house together. We bought an older home and have been fixing it up since August and have made a lot of progress. We live by the beach too and love to go on walks there.
What do you like the most about your crafting?
I just love discovering how to make new things. How do you promote your business? I twitter, Face Book, sell my items to friends and wear things I made almost every day. Wearing my items really seems to generate interest locally.
Please be sure to check out the slide show below to see some of Katie's creations and be sure visit her shop, "One Delightful Button" on Etsy.
How did you like this interview? Please leave a comment below.
♥ If you liked this article and want to know when I publish more articles and personal interviews with talented artisans CLICK HERE to subscribe to this column or use the button at the top of the page, that way you will receive an automatic e-mail notification (no spam) whenever I publish an article (and while you're at it, please help me out by choosing me as your 'fav' Examiner) using the button above (: AND please always leave a comment below.
♥If you are a shop owner and/or an artisan and want to be interviewed, CLICK HERE to subscribe to this column, leave a comment (below) then grab the interview questionnaire from my blog and follow the instructions for submission. I'd love to publish an article about YOU!
Don't forget to visit my many artisan friends at Etsy.com and the VA Etsy Team for your shopping pleasure.
Until next time I wish you a good day today and every day!
Remember to always 'Pay IT Forward' because one good deed deserves another.
NOTE: All active links can be found on the article page CLICK HERE
Drain-o bombs have been cropping up all over lately and unfortunately people have been getting hurt.
Drain-o Bombs, AKA Bottle bombs, "Works" bombs have been discovered in several states recently and people are getting hurt and maimed.
An artisan friend of mine told me the following story: "Several of us were out on the roads one day recently as volunteers to "keep America beautiful' by picking up litter that has been thrown out by "uncaring citizens" . I reached down to pick up a soda bottle when I noticed a large spider crawling on it. I called out to another volunteer who had a metal grappler pickup tool and asked if he would mind picking this bottle up with the grappler. He first rolled the bottle which contained a brown liquid in it over in order to get the spider off of it; but the spider managed to stay attached to the bottle. He rolled it again and all of a sudden the bottle exploded spewing out liquid causing 2nd and 3rd degree chemical burns on our legs. We were taken to hospital and treated according. Lucky for us that we didn't pick that bottle up with our hands and that we walked away with minor injuries. "I just can't for the life of me imaging why anyone would do something so malicious to someone they don't even know. There were two more of these bottles found and were detonated by law enforcement officers".
I did some research and found out that according to the information on 'Snopes' the report dated April 2010 these bombs have unfortunately become 'a thing' with the youth of today. I cannot imagine why or how these young people, or anyone else can be so cruel to other human beings, but they are.
Please be aware the these bombs are showing up in many U.S. states, they are easy to make as I found out using chemicals that are exceptionally assessable to anyone and you may even have the makings for this bomb in your home. Of course I'm not going to be telling any trade secrets here because this recipe is on the Internet far and wide. Using drain-o, tin foil, water and a plastic bottle with a cap is all that's needed. The bombs have been reported as showing up in mail boxes, residential yards, on the side of the road and on the interstates. They are extremely dangerous causing chemical burns, severing fingers and or hands, and even causing death.
There have been changes to the laws where penalties for this crime range from 15 years for possession of the substance to life without parole if harm or death should occur to an individual.
An urgent safety and health alert was put out by North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) June 15, 2010 stating that a potential serious incident occurred on a NCDOT worksite and it was listed as serious injury. The following was reported: "Two NCDOT employees picking up trash inhaled hazardous fumes when a plastic drink bottle containing hazardous chemicals dissolved. This bottle had a plastic hose coming out of the top. Another type of hazard involving plastic drink bottles involves mixing water and Drain-o. When the bottle is moved a chemical reaction causes the bottle to explode. Besides the danger of fumes there is a hazardous chemical burns."
You are now informed, be alert and stay safe. If you see one of these bottles DO NOT pick it up, call 911 and let the trained professionals do their job by clearing the area of these dangerous explosives.
I am glad my friend didn't pick up that bottle bomb, she could have lost her fingers, her hand or her life. This lady is a talented artisan who creates beauty with her hands and to have that taken away because someone whom she doesn't even know thinks that it is funny to place an explosive device disguised as tossed out trash left for others to pick up is just deplorable.
What have you heard on this subject? Share your knowledge by leaving your comment below.
Please don't litter!
♥ If you liked this article and want to know when I publish more articles and personal interviews with talented artisans CLICK HERE to subscribe to this column or use the button at the top of the page, that way you will receive an automatic e-mail notification (no spam) whenever I publish an article (and while you're at it, please help me out by choosing me as your 'fav' Examiner) using the button above (: AND please always leave a comment below.
♥If you are a shop owner and/or an artisan and want to be interviewed, CLICK HERE to subscribe to this column, leave a comment (below) then grab the interview questionnaire from my blog and follow the instructions for submission. I'd love to publish an article about YOU!
Don't forget to visit my artisan friends at Etsy.com and the VA Etsy Team.
Until next time I wish you a good day today and every day!
Remember to always 'Pay IT Forward' because one good deed deserves another.
NOTE: All active links can be found on the article page CLICK HERE
An artisan friend of mine told me the following story: "Several of us were out on the roads one day recently as volunteers to "keep America beautiful' by picking up litter that has been thrown out by "uncaring citizens" . I reached down to pick up a soda bottle when I noticed a large spider crawling on it. I called out to another volunteer who had a metal grappler pickup tool and asked if he would mind picking this bottle up with the grappler. He first rolled the bottle which contained a brown liquid in it over in order to get the spider off of it; but the spider managed to stay attached to the bottle. He rolled it again and all of a sudden the bottle exploded spewing out liquid causing 2nd and 3rd degree chemical burns on our legs. We were taken to hospital and treated according. Lucky for us that we didn't pick that bottle up with our hands and that we walked away with minor injuries. "I just can't for the life of me imaging why anyone would do something so malicious to someone they don't even know. There were two more of these bottles found and were detonated by law enforcement officers".
I did some research and found out that according to the information on 'Snopes' the report dated April 2010 these bombs have unfortunately become 'a thing' with the youth of today. I cannot imagine why or how these young people, or anyone else can be so cruel to other human beings, but they are.
Please be aware the these bombs are showing up in many U.S. states, they are easy to make as I found out using chemicals that are exceptionally assessable to anyone and you may even have the makings for this bomb in your home. Of course I'm not going to be telling any trade secrets here because this recipe is on the Internet far and wide. Using drain-o, tin foil, water and a plastic bottle with a cap is all that's needed. The bombs have been reported as showing up in mail boxes, residential yards, on the side of the road and on the interstates. They are extremely dangerous causing chemical burns, severing fingers and or hands, and even causing death.
There have been changes to the laws where penalties for this crime range from 15 years for possession of the substance to life without parole if harm or death should occur to an individual.
An urgent safety and health alert was put out by North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) June 15, 2010 stating that a potential serious incident occurred on a NCDOT worksite and it was listed as serious injury. The following was reported: "Two NCDOT employees picking up trash inhaled hazardous fumes when a plastic drink bottle containing hazardous chemicals dissolved. This bottle had a plastic hose coming out of the top. Another type of hazard involving plastic drink bottles involves mixing water and Drain-o. When the bottle is moved a chemical reaction causes the bottle to explode. Besides the danger of fumes there is a hazardous chemical burns."
You are now informed, be alert and stay safe. If you see one of these bottles DO NOT pick it up, call 911 and let the trained professionals do their job by clearing the area of these dangerous explosives.
I am glad my friend didn't pick up that bottle bomb, she could have lost her fingers, her hand or her life. This lady is a talented artisan who creates beauty with her hands and to have that taken away because someone whom she doesn't even know thinks that it is funny to place an explosive device disguised as tossed out trash left for others to pick up is just deplorable.
What have you heard on this subject? Share your knowledge by leaving your comment below.
Please don't litter!
♥ If you liked this article and want to know when I publish more articles and personal interviews with talented artisans CLICK HERE to subscribe to this column or use the button at the top of the page, that way you will receive an automatic e-mail notification (no spam) whenever I publish an article (and while you're at it, please help me out by choosing me as your 'fav' Examiner) using the button above (: AND please always leave a comment below.
♥If you are a shop owner and/or an artisan and want to be interviewed, CLICK HERE to subscribe to this column, leave a comment (below) then grab the interview questionnaire from my blog and follow the instructions for submission. I'd love to publish an article about YOU!
Don't forget to visit my artisan friends at Etsy.com and the VA Etsy Team.
Until next time I wish you a good day today and every day!
Remember to always 'Pay IT Forward' because one good deed deserves another.
NOTE: All active links can be found on the article page CLICK HERE
Dear Daddy in heaven
June 19, 7:46 PMArtisans Examiner Bettie St.Ours
Dear daddy in heaven I miss you today more than ever because it's Father's Day.
day we use to celebrate the fathers of the world, and you my father were my world.
I can remember that warm fuzzy feeling I had when you would cradle me in your arms as a baby and as I grew older I felt it in every hug you gave me every day.
Daddy I miss you so much, I miss seeing the love in your eyes and feeling the love in your touch.
We had such fun together, playing ball, fishing having a cup of tea in my playhouse. Remember when you were acting so silly that one day? You grabbed the dog, put a napkin around his neck and then poured some tea in a saucer along with a cookie and put it on my little table we were sitting at, sat the dog in that spot and the dog actually sat down and began lapping the tea up and gobbling the cookie down. We laughed so hard because the dog actually joined us for tea and cookies.
Remember when you and my little brother and me went to the park and had a great day of fun together, we were so tired by the time we got home that you had to tuck us in before we had our bath.
Daddy, I understand that you gave your life to help preserve our freedom, I understand that if other countries fall into the hands of the bad guys that they will get stronger and their forces will grow larger and eventually they could infiltrate, take over and change our great country; then all of the soldiers past, present and you, who have given their lives to protect our homeland would be in vain. I get all of that and I know how important it is to maintain our freedom.
But daddy, it is so very hard for those who have lost such a huge piece of our lives; it hurts so badly, it's almost unbearable at times. I know that we will move on and the hurt will ease but it will never completely go away and it shouldn't because that's our way of remembering how we felt, that's just how strong and powerful love really is.
Daddy, you're farther away than ever, you're in heaven and I can't board a train or a plane, drive or catch a cab to get there, I can only climb the stairway leading me to you one step at a time as I continue my journey through my life.
You would be proud of me daddy because I make beautiful handmade gifts for others to enjoy. You taught me well.
Today, Father's day, I celebrate you by recalling all of the memories of our togetherness; today I will cry because the hurt in my heart allows me to and because it helps me to heal.
Today I will embrace others who love you and we will support each other and together we will all send you all of the love in our hearts so that you will feel that warm fuzzy feeling that always made me feel so good, loved and cherished.
Daddy, I will always love you, happy father's day in heaven!
Your little girl♥
Anyone who would like to leave a comment below, sending a message to your daddy in heaven, please do so and I will write a follow up special edition article with your message to your daddy.
♥ If you liked this article and want to know when I publish more articles and personal interviews with talented artisans CLICK HERE to subscribe to this column or use the button at the top of the page, that way you will receive an automatic e-mail notification (no spam) whenever I publish an article (and while you're at it, please help me out by choosing me as your 'fav' Examiner) using the button above (: AND please always leave a comment below.
♥If you are a shop owner and/or an artistan and want to be interviewed, CLICK HERE to subscribe to this column, leave a comment (below) then grab the interview questionnaire from my blog and follow the instructions for submission. I'd love to publish an article about YOU!
Until next time I wish you a good day today and every day!
Remember to always 'Pay IT Forward' because one good deed deserves another.
Dear daddy in heaven I miss you today more than ever because it's Father's Day.
day we use to celebrate the fathers of the world, and you my father were my world.
I can remember that warm fuzzy feeling I had when you would cradle me in your arms as a baby and as I grew older I felt it in every hug you gave me every day.
Daddy I miss you so much, I miss seeing the love in your eyes and feeling the love in your touch.
We had such fun together, playing ball, fishing having a cup of tea in my playhouse. Remember when you were acting so silly that one day? You grabbed the dog, put a napkin around his neck and then poured some tea in a saucer along with a cookie and put it on my little table we were sitting at, sat the dog in that spot and the dog actually sat down and began lapping the tea up and gobbling the cookie down. We laughed so hard because the dog actually joined us for tea and cookies.
Remember when you and my little brother and me went to the park and had a great day of fun together, we were so tired by the time we got home that you had to tuck us in before we had our bath.
Daddy, I understand that you gave your life to help preserve our freedom, I understand that if other countries fall into the hands of the bad guys that they will get stronger and their forces will grow larger and eventually they could infiltrate, take over and change our great country; then all of the soldiers past, present and you, who have given their lives to protect our homeland would be in vain. I get all of that and I know how important it is to maintain our freedom.
But daddy, it is so very hard for those who have lost such a huge piece of our lives; it hurts so badly, it's almost unbearable at times. I know that we will move on and the hurt will ease but it will never completely go away and it shouldn't because that's our way of remembering how we felt, that's just how strong and powerful love really is.
Daddy, you're farther away than ever, you're in heaven and I can't board a train or a plane, drive or catch a cab to get there, I can only climb the stairway leading me to you one step at a time as I continue my journey through my life.
You would be proud of me daddy because I make beautiful handmade gifts for others to enjoy. You taught me well.
Today, Father's day, I celebrate you by recalling all of the memories of our togetherness; today I will cry because the hurt in my heart allows me to and because it helps me to heal.
Today I will embrace others who love you and we will support each other and together we will all send you all of the love in our hearts so that you will feel that warm fuzzy feeling that always made me feel so good, loved and cherished.
Daddy, I will always love you, happy father's day in heaven!
Your little girl♥
Anyone who would like to leave a comment below, sending a message to your daddy in heaven, please do so and I will write a follow up special edition article with your message to your daddy.
♥ If you liked this article and want to know when I publish more articles and personal interviews with talented artisans CLICK HERE to subscribe to this column or use the button at the top of the page, that way you will receive an automatic e-mail notification (no spam) whenever I publish an article (and while you're at it, please help me out by choosing me as your 'fav' Examiner) using the button above (: AND please always leave a comment below.
♥If you are a shop owner and/or an artistan and want to be interviewed, CLICK HERE to subscribe to this column, leave a comment (below) then grab the interview questionnaire from my blog and follow the instructions for submission. I'd love to publish an article about YOU!
Until next time I wish you a good day today and every day!
Remember to always 'Pay IT Forward' because one good deed deserves another.
Craft Shows and Festivals. Look what’s coming our way this weekend Virginia.
Festivities abound! There are so many great things happening this weekend that you will find yourself in a tough spot trying to decide just which event you want to attend. Hopefully you will find something truly delightful.
I have put together a quick what’s happening this weekend for your convenience from Virginia Fairs and Festivals .com page...
I hope you find something that is right up your alley! Stay safe and Enjoy!
Herndon Festival 6/3/10-6/6/10 Herndon, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/1273554692-herndon-festival-herndon-virginia-june.html
First Friday 6/4/10 Fredericksburg, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/175460-first-friday-fredericksburg-june.html
Uncle Billys Day 6/4/10- 6/5/10 Altavista, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/175463-uncle-billys-day-altavista-june.html
Coalfields Folklife Festival 6/4/10-6/6/10 Grundy, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/175480-coalfields-folklife-festival-grundy-june.html
Art on Fishing Bay 6/4/10 Deltaville, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/175484-art-on-fishing-bay-deltaville-june.html
Quilters Unlimited Quilt Show 6/4/10-6/6/10 Chantilly, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/179966-quilters-unlimited-quilt-show-chantilly-june.html
The Manassas Heritage Railway Festival 6/5/10 Manassas, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/0001256069-the-manassas-heritage-railway-festi-manassas-june.html
Old Town Fine Arts and Crafts Festival and Volunteer Fair 6/5/10-6/6/10 Alexandria, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/175296-old-town-fine-arts-and-crafts-festival-and-volunteer-fair-alexandria-may.html
Occoquan Spring Arts and Crafts Show 6/5/10-6/6/10 Occoquan, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/175489-occoquan-spring-arts-and-crafts-show-occoquan-june.html
Arts in the Garden - Annual! 6/5/10 Richmond, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/175509-arts-in-the-garden-annual-richmond-june.html
Pulaski County Flea Market 6/5/10-6/6/10 Dublin, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/175523-pulaski-county-flea-market-dublin-june.html
Sully Craft and Fun Fair 6/5/10 Sterling, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/175527-sully-craft-and-fun-fair-sterling-june.html
Strawberry Jubilee 6/5/10-6/6/10 Bluemont, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/175553-strawberry-jubilee-bluemont-june.html
Junefest 6/5/10-6/6/10 Portsmouth, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/175562-junefest-portsmouth-june.html
Ashland Strawberry Faire 6/5/10 Ashland, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/175567-ashland-strawberry-faire-ashland-june.html
ART TO THE RESCUE! An Event To Benefit The Animals 6/5/10 Vienna, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/175568-art-to-the-rescue-an-event-to-benefit-the-animals-vienna-june.html
Tucker Carnival! 6/5/10 Alexandria, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/175621-tucker-carnival-alexandria-june.html
Vegas in Virginia Wine Dinner and Wine Casino 6/5/10 Markham, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/182843-vegas-in-virginia-wine-dinner-and-wine-casino-markham-june.html
Anniversary of the Battle of Brandy Station Historic Ball 6/5/10 Remington, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/182857-anniversary-of-the-battle-of-brandy-station-historic-ball-remington-june.html
Beer Bourbon & BBQ Festival 6/5/10 Richmond, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/1270797768-beer-bourbon-bbq-festival-richmond-virginia-june.htmlCraft
Show & Sale 1st 6/5/10-6/6/10 Ivor, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/1270798027-craft-show-sale-1st-ivor-virginia-june.html
Bazaar & Flea Market 6/5/10 Williamsburg, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/192045-bazaar-flea-market-williamsburg-june.html
Steamin' Summer Shrimpfest 6/5/10 Salem, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/1273622711-steamin-summer-shrimpfest-salem-virginia-june.html
Vintage Virginia 6/5/10-6/6/10 Centreville, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/1273623511-vintage-virginia-centreville-virginia-june.html
Taubman Museum Of Arty Sidewalk Art Show 6/5/10-6/6/10 Roanoke, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/1273624520-taubman-museum-of-arty-sidewalk-art-show-roanoke-virginia-june.html
Fannie W. Fitzgerald Elementary PTSO Yard Sale and Vendor Fair 6/5/10 Woodbridge, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/192882-fannie-w-fitzgerald-elementary-ptso-yard-sale-and-vendor-fair-woodbridge-june.html
Virginia Renaissance Faire 6/6/10-6/7/10 Spotsylvania, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/175657-virginia-renaissance-faire-spotsylvania-june.html
Silky Smooth Fashion Show and Vendor Extravaganza 6/6/10 Woodbridge, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/192279-silky-smooth-fashion-show-and-vendor-extravaganza-woodbridge-june.html
Upperville Colt & Horse Show 6/7/10-6/13/10 Upperville, VA. http://www.virginiafairsandfestivals.com/1273624997-upperville-colt-horse-show-upperville-virginia-june.html
Greek Festival www.examiner.com/x-20427-Richmond-Frugal-Family-Examiner~y2010m6d2-2010
Until next time I wish you a good day today and every day!
Remember to always 'Pay IT Forward' one good deed deserves another.
Talented and Crafty mother of three. Joyful Jessica tells you why she's joyful.
Joyful Jessica makes the prettiest bows ever!
I grew up in Texas, but have lived on the east coast for the last 13 years and love being close to the ocean and mountains that Virginia has to offer. For the last 9 years I've been a stay-at-home mom to my 3 children, Jackson (9), Katie (8), and Sammy (3).
Even with the daily demands of being a full time mom and homeschooling my three children, I've always looked for little ways to help out our family budget. I had a Eureka! moment about 3 years ago while searching for some hairbows for my then 5 year old daughter to wear to church that would match her little dresses. I quickly found that the ones in the stores weren't of great quality or wouldn't stay in my daughter's hair and the ones at local boutiques were too pricey for my budget. So, I started making her bows and clips and was thrilled that she now had an assortment of good quality bows at a very reasonable price.
That's when it dawned on me that others may be having the same problem finding quality bows and maybe I could start selling them. Little did I know just what a demand there was out there! In the last 3 years I've sold tens of thousands of bows and my little hairbow business has turned into a full time job for me that I can do from home.
So Jessica, how did you choose your shop name?
My shop name (JoyfulJessica's Sugar-n-Spice Boutique) comes from the last verse of Psalm 113, "He the childless woman takes, and a joyful mother makes." I am so thankful for these little people and for the blessing of being with them each day. They have truly made me JoyfulJessica. The Sugar-n-Spice part is... "because that's what little girls are made of."
In your opinion what is the most important factor to running a successful on-line shop or business?
I think what has led to my bit of success is attention to every detail and customer service. All of my hairbows are made-to-order after the sale to my customer's specifications. I carry over 200 ribbon options in my most popular styles and am happy to work closely with the customer until we have just the right colors and styles to match their special occasion clothes, school uniforms, sports/cheer outfits, or for everyday wear.
What has been your most challenging project? And how did it turn out?
My most challenging projects are always trying to fill my wholesale orders and get ready for local craft shows. During these times, I sometimes have to churn out 100+ bows in a single day and it can be pretty tiring and monotonous, but so far I've always managed to make my deadlines.
What do you like the most about your crafting?
Colors! So many happy, vibrant colors! Since I began bow making, I've found myself noticing and enjoying color so much more! I never realized how special yellow is, how great brown looks next to turquoise, how classy maroon satin can be. Pink never makes me think of Pepto anymore, now pink makes me think of pixies and fairy dust. Purple is perfect in every shade, from soft baby lilac, to a bold, rich plum. What a wonderful, colorful world!
Do you have any pets? What are they?
We have two leopard frogs, Bill and Ted, who we've had since they were tadpoles.
That's awesome Jessica, I collect frogs (not live ones) and have a curio cabinet full .
Be sure to check out the slide show below to see Jessica's bows and if you want to contact Jessica or see more of her beautiful bows check out the provided links.
website: http://sugarnspiceboutique.com/
A shout out to Andrew! Thanks for your support and for reading my articles! (:
If you liked this article and want to know when I publish more personal interviews with talented artisans be sure to use the subscribe button at the top of the page so that you will automatically be notified via e-mail whenever I publish an article (and while you're at it, add me as one of your 'fav' Examiners).
If you're an artist and want me to conduct an interview with you to feature your shop, "SUBSCRIBE" (above) go to my blog where you will find the interview questionnaire. Follow the directions there and then e-mail your completed questionnaire to me at http://myinterview@verizon.net.
Until next time I wish you a good day today and every day!
Remember to always 'Pay IT Forward' cuz one good deed deserves another.
NOTE: To see all active links in the article CLICK HERE then go to the article of your choice
Virginia Artisans begin the Summer with great expectations
I haven't met a more optimistic group of people than the Virginia Etsy Street Team. They are all a busy group of people who juggle family, jobs, crafting, photographing, and listing their creations with creative captions, descriptions and even materials that they use to make the item so that the customer knows exactly what they are getting.
Then comes the packaging and mailing of the item out the customer . Most all of the artisans amp up the customers buying experience by including a personal note and even a little added surprise. Their way of saying thank you to the customer and making their on line shopping experience a pleasurable one. Just a wonderful experience that will made you smile.
Great customer service is a key factor in on line selling and once you service that customer in the best possible way, they will be eager to return and make another purchase from that shop.
In upcoming articles I will be telling you stories of the life and times of these Virginia artists through personal interviews. I will be showing you their talents and their creations.
For a sneak peek check out the slide show below and see their blog located at http://virginiaetsyshops.blogspot.com/. Once a well kept secret now these artists are being put in the lime light, out there for you to meet!
Stay tuned and Subscribe to this page to be the first to know when my first of 50+ interviews are posted.
Once I get through the Virginia team interviews you can look forward to seeing feature articles on Etsy sellers world wide. http://etsy.com/
I look forward to your comments so please leave me some.
Until next time I wish you a good day today and every day!
Last Minute Mother's Day Gifts
May 7, 2:42 PMArtisans ExaminerBettie St.Ours
She'll never know that you forgot or waited until the last minute if you shop online at the http://virginiaetsyshops.blogspot.com where all of the artisans will work with you to get a gift sent overnight or even better a gift certificate you can instantly download, print and put in with her Mother's Day card.
Mom will be able to shop at her leisure choosing her own gift, you can't go wrong with a gift like that now can you.
Look at some of the great gifts that are available at the following sites.
Facial care using organic and botanical products that are individually hand blended, a few ounces at a time, in her 267-year-old farm house in the Northern Piedmont region of Virginia. Go see Cindy Devore of Valley Green Naturals LLC http://www.etsy.com/listing/46389848/cool-clarity-natural-facial-care-line
How about a variety of handmade gifts from Dyche Designs, here's a lovely art piece "Raven on a Tree" http://www.etsy.com/listing/43267459/raven-on-tree-mixed-media-10x10-canvas
How about something Vintage from EpicCPoke, here's a great piece a Vintage picnic beach glass set in a wooden carrying case with a rope handle (set of 6). http://www.etsy.com/listing/38245735/vintage-picnic-beach-glasses-in-wooden
Here's a gorgeous Hobo Bag Market Tote Shoulder Slouch by BizzieLizzie http://www.etsy.com/listing/37258386/hobo-bag-market-tote-shoulder-slouch WoWzie Dowzie she would say.
Maybe mom's a crafter (go mom), well here are some great crafting supplies from Two Angels Supplies that will make her projects unique and special (in fact she can send me a photo of what she makes from the supplies she purchases from this shop and I will feature her and her crafted item here). http://www.etsy.com/listing/46190798/10-patriotic-butterflies-and-hearts
How about a lovely Hand Carved Cedar Tea Light Candle holder set, a great way to have that romantic setting from the warm glow of a candle showcased in a beautiful Cedar holder from All Things Wood http://www.etsy.com/listing/44017034/mothers-day-special-beautiful-cedar
Or a hand carved Mountain Laurel Candle Holder (triple) By Dan http://www.etsy.com/listing/45789847/mountain-laurel-candle-holder
Affordable Fashion Jewelry by BG's Studio 13 http://www.etsy.com/listing/33684462/barely-pink-pearls-and-golden-heart
And more lovely jewelry by JHen Sunshine http://www.etsy.com/listing/37158980/he-doesnt-know-why?ref=v1_other_2
I wish I could have shown an item from every shop but be sure to visit the blogspot listed above, you'll see tons of great hand crafted items.
Well I hope this article helped and I hope you find something special and unique for your mom because she's very special and unique!
Until next time I wish you a good day today and every day! I look forward to your comments so please leave me some.
She'll never know that you forgot or waited until the last minute if you shop online at the http://virginiaetsyshops.blogspot.com where all of the artisans will work with you to get a gift sent overnight or even better a gift certificate you can instantly download, print and put in with her Mother's Day card.
Mom will be able to shop at her leisure choosing her own gift, you can't go wrong with a gift like that now can you.
Look at some of the great gifts that are available at the following sites.
Facial care using organic and botanical products that are individually hand blended, a few ounces at a time, in her 267-year-old farm house in the Northern Piedmont region of Virginia. Go see Cindy Devore of Valley Green Naturals LLC http://www.etsy.com/listing/46389848/cool-clarity-natural-facial-care-line
How about a variety of handmade gifts from Dyche Designs, here's a lovely art piece "Raven on a Tree" http://www.etsy.com/listing/43267459/raven-on-tree-mixed-media-10x10-canvas
How about something Vintage from EpicCPoke, here's a great piece a Vintage picnic beach glass set in a wooden carrying case with a rope handle (set of 6). http://www.etsy.com/listing/38245735/vintage-picnic-beach-glasses-in-wooden
Here's a gorgeous Hobo Bag Market Tote Shoulder Slouch by BizzieLizzie http://www.etsy.com/listing/37258386/hobo-bag-market-tote-shoulder-slouch WoWzie Dowzie she would say.
Maybe mom's a crafter (go mom), well here are some great crafting supplies from Two Angels Supplies that will make her projects unique and special (in fact she can send me a photo of what she makes from the supplies she purchases from this shop and I will feature her and her crafted item here). http://www.etsy.com/listing/46190798/10-patriotic-butterflies-and-hearts
How about a lovely Hand Carved Cedar Tea Light Candle holder set, a great way to have that romantic setting from the warm glow of a candle showcased in a beautiful Cedar holder from All Things Wood http://www.etsy.com/listing/44017034/mothers-day-special-beautiful-cedar
Or a hand carved Mountain Laurel Candle Holder (triple) By Dan http://www.etsy.com/listing/45789847/mountain-laurel-candle-holder
Affordable Fashion Jewelry by BG's Studio 13 http://www.etsy.com/listing/33684462/barely-pink-pearls-and-golden-heart
And more lovely jewelry by JHen Sunshine http://www.etsy.com/listing/37158980/he-doesnt-know-why?ref=v1_other_2
I wish I could have shown an item from every shop but be sure to visit the blogspot listed above, you'll see tons of great hand crafted items.
Well I hope this article helped and I hope you find something special and unique for your mom because she's very special and unique!
Until next time I wish you a good day today and every day! I look forward to your comments so please leave me some.
The woman who created Two Pack Rats and Dress Up Pack Rats. Who is she? You're about to find out.
MaryBeth Drake, Another Talented Virginia Artisan
Another well kept secret in the state of Virginia, meet MaryBeth Drake~ creator of Two Pack Rats http://twopackrats.etsy.com and Dress Up Pack Rats http://dressuppackrats.etsy.com.
MaryBeth lives in Rockbridge County near Lexington, Virginia. She grew up in Lynchburg, Virginia, went to college and had her children in North Carolina. She came back to Virginia in the early eighties and started as an art major at Greensboro College but changed her major to special education. Her special education career lasted about 30 years! Around 2004, as she was finishing her second master’s degree, she had an opportunity to teach college freshman composition courses at Southern Virginia University because the administration was concerned about their “less perfectly prepared students”.
From there she moved to Virginia Western Community College to teach first year composition. She likes it a lot and enjoys the variety of students who attend her classes. MaryBeth said "It is hard work and sometimes the hour-long commute (both ways) really makes me cranky". She has recently applied for an administrative position at VWCC and really hopes that she gets that position. The interviews should start in about two weeks
Good luck girl, I hope your wish comes true!
What's life like being an 'Etsier'?
I suppose you are saying “That does not sound like the profile of a crafter!” I am at heart an artist and my creativity does play a large part in teaching. Making art and craft items is a relaxing escape from the academic world. All kinds of art are scattered throughout in my home and garden and I do participate in local art events. A while back, I discovered that creating portfolios and setting up art shows gives me panic attacks, so I decided that I would do art only as a hobby, not as a living. It’s more fun that way. Etsy etsy.com is the perfect opportunity for enjoying the work of others and participating in the art community by selling my creative goods.
How did you choose the names for your shops?
I chose both shop names because my husband and I are pack rats and we think it is a great personality trait! My daughter needed an outlet for her paintings, so we created Two Pack Rats to combine our efforts. I created DressUpPackRats because I thought that clothing might do better in a separate shop. It doesn’t get as much traffic as the original shop but I hope to add items this summer that will attract attention.
I understand that you have a third pack rat, please tell us more.
My husband is beyond retirement age, but still works every day and keeps talking about what he will do when he retires. He makes huge clothespins and has sold them locally for years http://www.etsy.com/listing/38602793/giant-clothes-pin. He is our third packrat and I hope he will create some more projects that we can sell in our Etsy store. He rebuilds old log cabins and I hope to be designing a web site for his business soon to drag him into the 21st century.
That's awesome Mary Beth; I have a special place in my heart for log cabins since I live in a more modern style log home myself.
Tell us, what do you like to do the most?
I like to sew, creating upcycled clothing comes naturally, but I wouldn’t want to do it on a production schedule! I enjoy shopping for used and vintage clothing, fabrics, trims, beads, and lace. Sewing allows me to alter my own wardrobe so it reflects my personality. I started making stuffed critters for my siblings when I was about 11. I made Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls to make money while I was in high school. I used to sew many of my own clothes and I’ve always made curtains and quilts for my homes.
How do you promote your Etsy shops?
I have MOO stickers and mini cards to promote my shops. I like to promote Etsy because it fits with my ideals of recycling, buying handmade and vintage products, and supporting small businesses.
What is one of your favorite ‘customer’ moments?
I like providing my customers with one of a kind items. I was very happy to sell a prom dress to a young woman who wanted a one of a kind funky gown this spring. I felt that I helped her be individual in an acceptable way and perhaps provided a little inspiration. The dress originally was a black taffeta and net Saks Fifth Avenue cocktail dress from the 1960’s. I painted the lace inset on the bodice and added glitter and beads. Just below the bodice, I attached a swirly shredded black taffeta ruffle. To complete the shabby look I cut the netting of the skirt into points so it hung down below the bubble hem. http://www.etsy.com/view_transaction.php?transaction_id=28042520
MaryBeth I want to thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to share a little of your world with the rest of us. I hope that you have good news coming your way soon from VWCC. I wish you all the best and may your Etsy shops prosper!
Be sure to check out the slideshow below to see some of MaryBeth's lovely creations.
If you liked this article and want to know when I publish more personal interviews with talented artisans be sure to use the subscribe button at the top of the page so that you will automatically be notified via e-mail whenever I publish an article (and while you're at it, add me as one of your 'fav' Examiners).
If you are an artist and want to be interviewed, subscribe (above) leave a comment (below) include your e-mail address and I will send you the interview questionnaire. Or request a more private interview questionnaire by e-mailing me at bgsstudio13@yahoo.com.
Until next time I wish you a good day today and every day!
Remember to always 'Pay IT Forward' one good deed deserves another.
Meet "Speed" a man with a passion for wood and creating beautiful hand crafted furniture
June 4, 2:41 PMArtisans ExaminerBettie St.Ours
James "Speed" Carter, his talents are many but his wood working is superb!
Meet James "Speed" Carter from Pontiac, Michigan. One of Speed's many talents is making beautiful furniture pieces from exotic and reclaimed wood.
Speed tell us a little about yourself.
I was born in Pontiac, Michigan, but grew up in Eugene Oregon. I met my wife Cindy in Tucson Arizona where I had traveled with a friend. We have been married for 39 years now. We traveled for a few years, then we moved to Oregon so our son Jeff could go to school there. I opened an alignment and frame shop in Portland, Oregon and was there for 12 years. I got tired of grease so I graduated to sawdust!! I have been doing woodworking as a hobby for most of my life and began in earnest when my father-in-law gave me his woodworking tools just before he passed away. He was a wonderful woodworker!
I started a Marine repair shop Carter Boat Works 20 years ago (can you tell I'm an old geezer?) and wood working just seemed to naturally fall into place. Interestingly enough boat cabinetry is a step above all other woodworking except Aviation. A boat is a man’s pride and joy, so the cabinetry better be and look superior to anything in his house. Plus there are no 90 degree corners, everything is rounded and fits against curved bulkheads. If that isn't enough it also has to be earthquake proof. When a big wave hits a boat it could easily exceed 10 on the Richter scale. Normal household cabinets won't take that kind of abuse.
What do you find to be the most difficult part of running your business?
I find marketing to be more difficult than making the product. I enjoy the work and making things, but the computer work I leave my wife Cindy who markets my creations beautifully.
What is one of your biggest undertakings?
Recently I made 30 plus tables (the last three photo's in the slide show are of these tables) for my favorite Chef Todd Stansbury owner of SunShine Pizza (you can find his store on Face Book) here in St. Helens Oregon (he also makes my favorite food, lasagna!!). Ummm, one of my favs too Speed. It took my helper and me 60 days to complete the task. Shortly after we saw a show about mass produced tables; granted they had a million or so dollars in equipment which allowed 2 and 1/2 men to made over 200 tables before lunch. My customer certainly paid more for my tables than a mass produced product, but he is extremely pleased with the hand crafted tables I made for his store and he knows that the materials and the craftsmanship that went into those tables are of the highest quality. He gets compliments on those tables almost daily and is very proud to have a high quality product that he knows will last for many, many years to come.
Working with Marine products I found that the type of coatings available works great on the table tops, better than some other products. Marine products can cost much more than anything at the hardware store, but they add many years to the life of a piece and only adds a small percentage to the final cost. It seems odd to me that most people believe using cheaper materials will make a big dent in the final cost, not true at all. That only works for mass producers. With handmade pieces labor is the big ticket. Material costs are small when compared. So use very nice wood even if it seems expensive. As a rule handmade is 2 to 10 times more expensive than the mass produced items. But that is because each hand crafted item is special and a one of a kind piece, unique. A good hand crafted piece will more than likely be made with better materials and with more attention to detail, and will last much longer.
Speaking of nice woods, what kind of material do you like working with the most?
I always use Mahogany, Black Walnut, Cherry, or the beautiful woods from Africa, Australia, and South America. There are 4,000 species to choose from. Woodworking is my passion and making something different or unusual is what I do for fun (although I do love going to the Oregon Coast, when we can).
How did you choose your Etsy shop name?
The name of Speeds Wood Working for my on-line shop came about from my nick name Speed, and my wife was growing tired of waiting for me to come up with a name so together we decided that it just made since to incorporate the two. But speed is not a factor when making my wood pieces.
Tell us about some of your other talents.
I seem to be drawn to older technology. Wood working is a least 4,000 years old. I have also worked with photography, welding, wheel alignment, frame straightening and currently marine repair also very old. I learned by trial and error, hands on and from reading and making mistakes. I learned welding by reading at night and practicing. I even taught it at a community college. I've been asked what my most used tool is, I enjoy very much using tools that don't plug in, hand planes and draw knives, but the most used tool of all is my trusty broom; my creative juices just won't flow in a dirty shop!
Well Speed, it has been a pleasure finding out all about you and your wood crafting talents. Your furniture is beautiful and I wish you all the best with your Etsy shop all future endeavors.
Folks go check out Speeds Etsy shop to see more of his wonderful creations. Maybe one of his master crafted pieces will find a place in your home.
Be sure to check out the slide show below as well to see some of Speed's lovely creations.
If you liked this article and want to know when I publish more personal interviews with talented artisans be sure to use the subscribe button at the top of the page so that you will automatically be notified via e-mail whenever I publish an article (and while you're at it, add me as one of your 'fav' Examiners).
If you are an artist and want to be interviewed, subscribe (above) leave a comment (below) include your e-mail address and I will send you the interview questionnaire. Or grab the interview questionnaire from my blog, http://studio13bybg.blogspot.com/p/home-page.html.
Until next time I wish you a good day today and every day!
Remember to always 'Pay IT Forward' because one good deed deserves another.
NOTE: To view all active links in an article CLICK HERE then go to the article of your choice
Father's Day will be here before you know it. Gift and travel ideas.
Treat your father to something special this Father's day, June 20, 2010, give him a gift that is unique and one of a kind, just like him.
It really doesn't take a lot of extra time to find a one of a kind, unique gift item for those special people in your life. We're not talking about a mass produced item that anyone can pick up at the local mall, or from those mail order catalogs that fill your mailbox.
There are over half a million sellers of hand crafted, hand made, unique one of a kind items or vintage items out there. Small shop and business owners who need your support. You can find these sellers in on-line selling venues such as Etsy http://etsy.com, Crobbies http://crobbies.com, and Artfire http://artfire.com just to mention a few. All have very talented artisans who take pride in their work and will offer you not only reasonable prices for their wares but top notch customer service. These artisans will make your on-line buying experience most pleasurable.
So let's get started by checking out the Virginia Etsy Street Team's blog http://virginiaetsyshops.blogspot.com/, there are so many great gift ideas that you may have to choose more than just one.
Be sure to check out the slide show below for a sampling of wonderful hand crafted gifts. These are talented artisans from the great state of Virginia where Southern Hospitality prevails. If you can't find something that you want or need here then all you need to do is ask. There will be someone who can make or provide you with what you are looking for. And if you can't find that certain someone, who makes that certain something, you let me know and I will help you find what you are looking for if it is out there to be had.
Looking for some place special to take dad for a family father's day outing? There are so many great places here in Virginia to consider, check out the links provided here for events, times, dates, and directions: like for instance there's the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden www.virginia.org/site/description.asp or www.virginia.org/site/features.asp for a whole listing of places from Central Virginia, Northern Virginia, Southern Virginia, Blue Ridge Highlands, Heart of Appalachia, Shenandoah Valley and Chesapeake Bay. I'm certain there will be somewhere here in Virginia that will make this father's day a great family memory.
Travel safe and remember to plan ahead, take a map or set your GPS, leave early and drive safely; watch out for the other guy and be patient. After all we want everyone to make it back home safe and sound with a pocket full of great memories.
I wish all of the father's of the world the most wonderful fathers' day ever!
If any of you happen to visit any of the suggested locations; come back and tell me all about it!
If you liked this article and want to know when I publish more personal interviews with talented artisans be sure to use the subscribe button at the top of the page so that you will automatically be notified via e-mail whenever I publish an article (and while you're at it, add me as one of your 'fav' Examiners).
If you're an artist and want me to conduct an interview with you to feature your shop, "SUBSCRIBE" (above) go to my blog http://studio13bybg.blogspot.com/p/interview-questions.html where you will find the interview questionnaire. Follow the directions there and then e-mail your completed questionnaire to me at myinterview@verizon.net.
Until next time I wish you a good day today and every day!
Remember to always 'Pay IT Forward' cuz one good deed deserves another.
It really doesn't take a lot of extra time to find a one of a kind, unique gift item for those special people in your life. We're not talking about a mass produced item that anyone can pick up at the local mall, or from those mail order catalogs that fill your mailbox.
There are over half a million sellers of hand crafted, hand made, unique one of a kind items or vintage items out there. Small shop and business owners who need your support. You can find these sellers in on-line selling venues such as Etsy http://etsy.com, Crobbies http://crobbies.com, and Artfire http://artfire.com just to mention a few. All have very talented artisans who take pride in their work and will offer you not only reasonable prices for their wares but top notch customer service. These artisans will make your on-line buying experience most pleasurable.
So let's get started by checking out the Virginia Etsy Street Team's blog http://virginiaetsyshops.blogspot.com/, there are so many great gift ideas that you may have to choose more than just one.
Be sure to check out the slide show below for a sampling of wonderful hand crafted gifts. These are talented artisans from the great state of Virginia where Southern Hospitality prevails. If you can't find something that you want or need here then all you need to do is ask. There will be someone who can make or provide you with what you are looking for. And if you can't find that certain someone, who makes that certain something, you let me know and I will help you find what you are looking for if it is out there to be had.
Looking for some place special to take dad for a family father's day outing? There are so many great places here in Virginia to consider, check out the links provided here for events, times, dates, and directions: like for instance there's the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden www.virginia.org/site/description.asp or www.virginia.org/site/features.asp for a whole listing of places from Central Virginia, Northern Virginia, Southern Virginia, Blue Ridge Highlands, Heart of Appalachia, Shenandoah Valley and Chesapeake Bay. I'm certain there will be somewhere here in Virginia that will make this father's day a great family memory.
Travel safe and remember to plan ahead, take a map or set your GPS, leave early and drive safely; watch out for the other guy and be patient. After all we want everyone to make it back home safe and sound with a pocket full of great memories.
I wish all of the father's of the world the most wonderful fathers' day ever!
If any of you happen to visit any of the suggested locations; come back and tell me all about it!
If you liked this article and want to know when I publish more personal interviews with talented artisans be sure to use the subscribe button at the top of the page so that you will automatically be notified via e-mail whenever I publish an article (and while you're at it, add me as one of your 'fav' Examiners).
If you're an artist and want me to conduct an interview with you to feature your shop, "SUBSCRIBE" (above) go to my blog http://studio13bybg.blogspot.com/p/interview-questions.html where you will find the interview questionnaire. Follow the directions there and then e-mail your completed questionnaire to me at myinterview@verizon.net.
Until next time I wish you a good day today and every day!
Remember to always 'Pay IT Forward' cuz one good deed deserves another.
Virginia Etsy Team, Big news!
A note from our Fearless Team Leader Lauren Young!
♥A note from me~ First of all I ask that you please visit the Virginia Etsy Team Blog page, http://virginiaisforetsyers.blogspot.com/ we need team participation to select the "Team Member for the month of June". Please go vote. I would like to add that I am honored to be nominated again, but I have already received the honor (and I thank you) once before and would like to recognize Yvette of Fine Heart.
Many of you may not know how extremely hard she has worked putting our Virginia Team Marketing Blog together. She has worked tirelessly on this project and she put it together from the ground up to what it is today. Which I think is a beautiful blog. She is responsible for the interviews that are there now and the special montage pieces that fill in-between the interviews. She is also seeking new ways of getting our marketing blog out to the on-line viewing audience so that we gain more exposure.
While I have assisted Yvette by putting new team members on the blog and making a few tweaks to some of the pages, I haven't done all that much. Beth of (SweetTeaandPickles) is our newest assistant for adding new team members to the blog as we are now the teams Welcoming Committee and assistant blog admins.
Ms. Yvette deserves all the credit and the votes. So please show your thanks and appreciation for her hard work in getting you and I on the Virginia Team Marketing Blog by voting.
Now from Lauren♥
As you can see our team has grown A LOT in the past couple of months. Now that we are a bigger team and we have the numbers, we owe it to Etsy to take some action in our communities! VirginiaIsForEtsyers will be starting up Street Teams! (loud applause and cheering!)
Street teams are a local and more focused branch of an Etsy.Com team (VirginiaIsForEtsyers). They are used to help connect people who may live closer than someone else from the opposite side of the state. For example if Sue, Molly, and Paul all live in the Norfolk area they may decide to start up a Norfolk Street team. While on the team the group of members living in and around that area can get together and…
-Have a group coffee house meeting to check in and enjoy some together time
-Post flyers up around the community about Etsy, upcoming craft fairs, & info about our team
-Venture out to craft fairs and promote Etsy.Com and supporting other VA artists
-Help promote buying & selling handmade products to businesses and friends
-Host a community craft event in a park or recreational center to promote Etsy and togetherness in the community
...And there is much more information regarding the Street Team qualifications on the blog page http://virginiaisforetsyers.blogspot.com/ please check it out.
The team needs all of us to participate as much as possible for us ALL to be successful so please pitch in and do what you can. Help the team by listing the teams marketing blog and these article links in all of your media venues so that we will get the most exposure possible. I am soon to request that my articles go on the 'National' page as I will be interviewing all crafters world wide. So fingers crossed that it happens and we will have even more exposure.
♥ If you liked this article and want to know when I publish more personal interviews with talented artisans be sure to use the subscribe button at the top of the page so that you will automatically be notified via e-mail whenever I publish an article (and while you're at it, help me out by choosing me as your 'fav' Examiner).
If you are an artist and want to be interviewed, subscribe (above) leave a comment (below) include your e-mail address and I will send you the interview questionnaire. Or grab the interview questionnaire from my blog, studio13bybg.blogspot.com/p/home-page.html.
Until next time I wish you a good day today and every day!
Remember to always 'Pay IT Forward' because one good deed deserves another.
♥A note from me~ First of all I ask that you please visit the Virginia Etsy Team Blog page, http://virginiaisforetsyers.blogspot.com/ we need team participation to select the "Team Member for the month of June". Please go vote. I would like to add that I am honored to be nominated again, but I have already received the honor (and I thank you) once before and would like to recognize Yvette of Fine Heart.
Many of you may not know how extremely hard she has worked putting our Virginia Team Marketing Blog together. She has worked tirelessly on this project and she put it together from the ground up to what it is today. Which I think is a beautiful blog. She is responsible for the interviews that are there now and the special montage pieces that fill in-between the interviews. She is also seeking new ways of getting our marketing blog out to the on-line viewing audience so that we gain more exposure.
While I have assisted Yvette by putting new team members on the blog and making a few tweaks to some of the pages, I haven't done all that much. Beth of (SweetTeaandPickles) is our newest assistant for adding new team members to the blog as we are now the teams Welcoming Committee and assistant blog admins.
Ms. Yvette deserves all the credit and the votes. So please show your thanks and appreciation for her hard work in getting you and I on the Virginia Team Marketing Blog by voting.
Now from Lauren♥
As you can see our team has grown A LOT in the past couple of months. Now that we are a bigger team and we have the numbers, we owe it to Etsy to take some action in our communities! VirginiaIsForEtsyers will be starting up Street Teams! (loud applause and cheering!)
Street teams are a local and more focused branch of an Etsy.Com team (VirginiaIsForEtsyers). They are used to help connect people who may live closer than someone else from the opposite side of the state. For example if Sue, Molly, and Paul all live in the Norfolk area they may decide to start up a Norfolk Street team. While on the team the group of members living in and around that area can get together and…
-Have a group coffee house meeting to check in and enjoy some together time
-Post flyers up around the community about Etsy, upcoming craft fairs, & info about our team
-Venture out to craft fairs and promote Etsy.Com and supporting other VA artists
-Help promote buying & selling handmade products to businesses and friends
-Host a community craft event in a park or recreational center to promote Etsy and togetherness in the community
...And there is much more information regarding the Street Team qualifications on the blog page http://virginiaisforetsyers.blogspot.com/ please check it out.
The team needs all of us to participate as much as possible for us ALL to be successful so please pitch in and do what you can. Help the team by listing the teams marketing blog and these article links in all of your media venues so that we will get the most exposure possible. I am soon to request that my articles go on the 'National' page as I will be interviewing all crafters world wide. So fingers crossed that it happens and we will have even more exposure.
♥ If you liked this article and want to know when I publish more personal interviews with talented artisans be sure to use the subscribe button at the top of the page so that you will automatically be notified via e-mail whenever I publish an article (and while you're at it, help me out by choosing me as your 'fav' Examiner).
If you are an artist and want to be interviewed, subscribe (above) leave a comment (below) include your e-mail address and I will send you the interview questionnaire. Or grab the interview questionnaire from my blog, studio13bybg.blogspot.com/p/home-page.html.
Until next time I wish you a good day today and every day!
Remember to always 'Pay IT Forward' because one good deed deserves another.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
A Personal interview with the woman behind Emerald City Emporium
Meet Ms Rachel Hendrian the woman behind Emerald City Emporium.
A well kept secret right here in Virginia! http://www.etsy.com/shop/emeraldcityemporium
Emerald City Emporium is your go-to business for earth-friendly, nature-inspired style. Her designs are modern, but warm and inviting. She discovered a love for sewing and creating other beautiful, but functional things when she began decorating her own home. Rachel says "I love being creative and hands-on, so learning how to make things myself just came naturally. I usually come up with an idea in my head, and skip sketching it or thinking about it too much, I just make it. I love spontaneous creativity. Normally I will make something in a day or two, photograph, price it and list it on Etsy. I try to list pretty frequently to stay current and have lots of new things for my customers to choose from. My craft creations can be made in so many styles that I am always willing to take special orders from my customers to make sure they get exactly what they want. Right now my business is pretty small, but I look forward to growing and becoming a part of my local community with a brick and mortar business in the future." That's great Rachel we all wish you the best of luck!
So Ms. Rachael tell us where you're from?
I grew up in the Detroit, Michigan suburbs. About a year ago I moved to Warrenton, Virginia with my boyfriend Andrew. Since then we have been gardening, painting and repairing like crazy- and loving every minute of it!
What has been your most challenging project?
Most of the ideas for the crafts I make come naturally, and I enjoy making things that aren’t forced. I wouldn’t say that I have actually had very many challenging projects. But one of my biggest personal challenges has been learning how to be patient while learning a new skill; and to pay a lot of attention to detail. I love instant gratification, but sometimes I have to remind myself to be patient.
Tell us about some of the skills you have learned along the way.
I have learned lots of new skills along the way, like working with wood. I’ve learned how to use power tools, how to sand and stain wood, and how to properly use a wood burner also known as a pyrography tool.
Have you ever had a project that didn't turn out well? If so, how did you fix it?
One of my most successful projects has been coat hooks http://www.etsy.com/listing/38476002/pine-tree-wall-hook that I make from recycled wood. In the beginning I had a difficult time because I had to glue the planks of wood together and whenever I tried to drill or cut them they would break apart. I kept trying different ways of putting them together; I found that layering cork on the back of the boards worked the best. I’m glad I didn’t give in and scrap the project because my customers loved them and they sold out as soon as I listed them in my Etsy shop!
What do you like the most about what you do?
I love bringing an idea to life. It’s fulfilling to see my creativity come full circle. Instant gratification is great!
What do you like the least?
The part that has been the most challenging and possibly the most unnatural to me as a creative person is marketing, and trying to sell my work. The market is competitive, and people are being very careful with their money. I’m just not a sales person, and I can’t stand pressuring people into spending money, especially since I’m a huge tightwad.
How do you promote your business?
In the past I’ve tried advertising online and putting ads in a few local publications, but I find the best advertising is usually free. I’ve found a great support system within the Virginia is for Etsy’ers team. There are a few people who really go out of their way to get attention to our stores, and it is hugely appreciated! Most of the hits I get on my site come from Virginians.
How has the current economy affected your online business?
Christmas was great for me, but since then, it’s been slow. I do still get a lot of visitors browsing my shop and setting it as a favorite (which is a way of bookmarking the page so they can return later). I can relate to people holding on to their money and really evaluating the worth of an item before they buy, we’re all in that boat together. One great thing about being online is that people from all over the world can make a purchase from your online shop and since not all countries are in economic hard times there are still buyers out there.
Well Ms. Rachel you are an awesome young woman and it's been a real pleasure to find out about the woman behind Emerald City Emporium on Etsy http://www.etsy.com/shop/emeraldcityemporium. I wish you all the luck in the world.
You can reach Rachel through her Etsy shop page or by visiting her blog emeraldcityemporium.blogspot.com/
Please be sure to check out the slideshow below to see some more of Rachel's fabulous creations.
Then take a moment to visit the Virginia Etsy Street Team's blog page which is chocked full of beautiful hand made creations http://virginiaetsyshops.blogspot.com/. BUT first I want you to know that I look forward to everyone's comments so please be sure to leave me some below.
Any artisan wishing to be interviewed can leave me a comment or you can find my e-mail address in my bio.
Until next time I wish you a good day today and every day!
A well kept secret right here in Virginia! http://www.etsy.com/shop/emeraldcityemporium
Emerald City Emporium is your go-to business for earth-friendly, nature-inspired style. Her designs are modern, but warm and inviting. She discovered a love for sewing and creating other beautiful, but functional things when she began decorating her own home. Rachel says "I love being creative and hands-on, so learning how to make things myself just came naturally. I usually come up with an idea in my head, and skip sketching it or thinking about it too much, I just make it. I love spontaneous creativity. Normally I will make something in a day or two, photograph, price it and list it on Etsy. I try to list pretty frequently to stay current and have lots of new things for my customers to choose from. My craft creations can be made in so many styles that I am always willing to take special orders from my customers to make sure they get exactly what they want. Right now my business is pretty small, but I look forward to growing and becoming a part of my local community with a brick and mortar business in the future." That's great Rachel we all wish you the best of luck!
So Ms. Rachael tell us where you're from?
I grew up in the Detroit, Michigan suburbs. About a year ago I moved to Warrenton, Virginia with my boyfriend Andrew. Since then we have been gardening, painting and repairing like crazy- and loving every minute of it!
What has been your most challenging project?
Most of the ideas for the crafts I make come naturally, and I enjoy making things that aren’t forced. I wouldn’t say that I have actually had very many challenging projects. But one of my biggest personal challenges has been learning how to be patient while learning a new skill; and to pay a lot of attention to detail. I love instant gratification, but sometimes I have to remind myself to be patient.
Tell us about some of the skills you have learned along the way.
I have learned lots of new skills along the way, like working with wood. I’ve learned how to use power tools, how to sand and stain wood, and how to properly use a wood burner also known as a pyrography tool.
Have you ever had a project that didn't turn out well? If so, how did you fix it?
One of my most successful projects has been coat hooks http://www.etsy.com/listing/38476002/pine-tree-wall-hook that I make from recycled wood. In the beginning I had a difficult time because I had to glue the planks of wood together and whenever I tried to drill or cut them they would break apart. I kept trying different ways of putting them together; I found that layering cork on the back of the boards worked the best. I’m glad I didn’t give in and scrap the project because my customers loved them and they sold out as soon as I listed them in my Etsy shop!
What do you like the most about what you do?
I love bringing an idea to life. It’s fulfilling to see my creativity come full circle. Instant gratification is great!
What do you like the least?
The part that has been the most challenging and possibly the most unnatural to me as a creative person is marketing, and trying to sell my work. The market is competitive, and people are being very careful with their money. I’m just not a sales person, and I can’t stand pressuring people into spending money, especially since I’m a huge tightwad.
How do you promote your business?
In the past I’ve tried advertising online and putting ads in a few local publications, but I find the best advertising is usually free. I’ve found a great support system within the Virginia is for Etsy’ers team. There are a few people who really go out of their way to get attention to our stores, and it is hugely appreciated! Most of the hits I get on my site come from Virginians.
How has the current economy affected your online business?
Christmas was great for me, but since then, it’s been slow. I do still get a lot of visitors browsing my shop and setting it as a favorite (which is a way of bookmarking the page so they can return later). I can relate to people holding on to their money and really evaluating the worth of an item before they buy, we’re all in that boat together. One great thing about being online is that people from all over the world can make a purchase from your online shop and since not all countries are in economic hard times there are still buyers out there.
Well Ms. Rachel you are an awesome young woman and it's been a real pleasure to find out about the woman behind Emerald City Emporium on Etsy http://www.etsy.com/shop/emeraldcityemporium. I wish you all the luck in the world.
You can reach Rachel through her Etsy shop page or by visiting her blog emeraldcityemporium.blogspot.com/
Please be sure to check out the slideshow below to see some more of Rachel's fabulous creations.
Then take a moment to visit the Virginia Etsy Street Team's blog page which is chocked full of beautiful hand made creations http://virginiaetsyshops.blogspot.com/. BUT first I want you to know that I look forward to everyone's comments so please be sure to leave me some below.
Any artisan wishing to be interviewed can leave me a comment or you can find my e-mail address in my bio.
Until next time I wish you a good day today and every day!
Father's Day last minute gift ideas.
Well we're down to the wire and you haven't gotten your father a gift yet. Never fear, Nearly every Etsy and Crobbies artisans will provide "gift certificates", all you have to do is ask. What better way to give than a gift certificate, that way the recipient can choose a gift that they actually want. All you have to do is find a shop that has things that he is interested in and with over 200,000 shops world wide, you know there's got to be something out there that will suit him to a tee. I'd be willing to bet that you'll enjoy searching the shops yourself.
Not only will your gift be a one of a kind hand crafted item, but you will be doing a great service to the small business person who has hand crafted and is selling their wares. A much better quality than some mass produced item.
Don't forget about the Virginia Etsy team where you can shop until you drop. Featured artisans shops are there, vintage shops, art and photography shops as well as fabric, hand spun yarn, material, wood crafts and more. Your bound to find something special there.
How about dinner? I am told that the top five restaurants in Richmond are as follows:
Lemaire Fine Dining Restaurant At The Jefferson Hotel
101 W Franklin St
Richmond, VA 23220
The Dining Room Restaurant
The Berkeley Hotel
1200 E. Cary Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Old Original Bookbinder's
Seafood Steakhouse Restaurant
2306 East Cary Street
Richmond, VA 23223
The White Dog Restaurant
2329 West Main Street
Richmond, VA 23220
(804) 340-1975
Acacia Restaurant
3325 W Cary St
Richmond, VA 23221
Is it true you ask...I don't know first hand as I have not been to any of these places.
I have been to the Aberdeen Barn in Charlottesville and in my opinion, they have the most delicious Prime Rib around. I make a point of planning any trips to Charlottesville towards the evening just so I can have dinner there. Yum yum good! I'll have to ask them for a discount since I mentioned them in my article. Darn, now I want to go!
I've also been to the Bavarian Chef in Madison, Virginia. Oh my, if you like German cusine, you should like the food here. They now have one in Fredericksburg, Virginia, just 15 minutes away, I don't have to drive an hour to get my favorite German dish anymore.
Be sure to check out the slide show below to see some fabulous hand crafted gifts for father's day.
If you liked this article and want to know when I publish more personal interviews with talented artisans be sure to use the subscribe button at the top of the page so that you will automatically be notified via e-mail whenever I publish an article (and while you're at it, add me as one of your 'fav' Examiners).
If you're an artist and want me to conduct an interview with you to feature your shop, "SUBSCRIBE" (above) go to my blog where you will find the interview questionnaire. Follow the directions there and then e-mail your completed questionnaire to me at http://myinterview@verizon.net.
Until next time I wish you a good day today and every day!
Remember to always 'Pay IT Forward' cuz one good deed deserves another.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Helping Hands Helping Others
There are a lot of folks out there who are in there own way helping to get things done, offering their services and donating or collecting donations to help those less fortunate.
Anyone who has a special cause that they would like to have me include in or write an article about be sure to contact me so that I can help you get the word out.
My articles are quickly gaining popularity and I am glad to help in any way I can.
The recent Gulf Coast oil spill has brought a lot of folks to their feet and they are actively coordinating collections of money by way of donations from the sales of their craft items or by donating an item to a shop who when the item sales gives the entire amount to a specific charity or group.
I hope that you will do your part. All of these little bits here and there add up to a BIG bit collectively. So your contribution no matter what size it is, adds up and counts!
Artisans to assist in the Gulf Coast clean up Part I
Virginia Artisans and everyone else is looking for ways to help with the Gulf Coast clean up efforts. This Etsy artisan community is no exception.
Artisans from all over are donating their handmade crafts to a shop set up by Kate and friends in an effort to raise money.
A collective Etsy shop has been set up to help the gulf coast recover from the massive BP oil spill. Etsy sellers have donated their items with 100% of the proceeds being given to charity.
Please visit Help the Gulf Coast shop which has a huge selection of beautiful handmade items, supplies and vintage gifts.
Please visit this shop and make a purchase to help support the affected people and communities. So little can go so far and this is one of the easiest things that you can do to help out and you get a beautiful handmade gift item to boot.
Shop owners if you would like to participate by donating an item to this shop, please check out their donation guidelines in the shop policies!!
♥ If you liked this article and want to know when I publish more articles and personal interviews with talented artisans CLICK HERE to subscribe to this column or use the button at the top of the article page, that way you will receive an automatic e-mail notification (no spam) whenever I publish an article (and while you're at it, please help me out by choosing me as your 'fav' Examiner) using the button above (: AND please always leave a comment below.
♥If you are a shop owner and/or an artistan and want to be interviewed, CLICK HERE to subscribe to this column, leave a comment (below) then grab the interview questionnaire from my blog and follow the instructions for submission. I'd love to publish an article about YOU!
Until next time I wish you a good day today and every day!
Remember to always 'Pay IT Forward' because one good deed deserves another.
Cheers my ♥s
Anyone who has a special cause that they would like to have me include in or write an article about be sure to contact me so that I can help you get the word out.
My articles are quickly gaining popularity and I am glad to help in any way I can.
The recent Gulf Coast oil spill has brought a lot of folks to their feet and they are actively coordinating collections of money by way of donations from the sales of their craft items or by donating an item to a shop who when the item sales gives the entire amount to a specific charity or group.
I hope that you will do your part. All of these little bits here and there add up to a BIG bit collectively. So your contribution no matter what size it is, adds up and counts!
Artisans to assist in the Gulf Coast clean up Part I
Virginia Artisans and everyone else is looking for ways to help with the Gulf Coast clean up efforts. This Etsy artisan community is no exception.
Artisans from all over are donating their handmade crafts to a shop set up by Kate and friends in an effort to raise money.
A collective Etsy shop has been set up to help the gulf coast recover from the massive BP oil spill. Etsy sellers have donated their items with 100% of the proceeds being given to charity.
Please visit Help the Gulf Coast shop which has a huge selection of beautiful handmade items, supplies and vintage gifts.
Please visit this shop and make a purchase to help support the affected people and communities. So little can go so far and this is one of the easiest things that you can do to help out and you get a beautiful handmade gift item to boot.
Shop owners if you would like to participate by donating an item to this shop, please check out their donation guidelines in the shop policies!!
♥ If you liked this article and want to know when I publish more articles and personal interviews with talented artisans CLICK HERE to subscribe to this column or use the button at the top of the article page, that way you will receive an automatic e-mail notification (no spam) whenever I publish an article (and while you're at it, please help me out by choosing me as your 'fav' Examiner) using the button above (: AND please always leave a comment below.
♥If you are a shop owner and/or an artistan and want to be interviewed, CLICK HERE to subscribe to this column, leave a comment (below) then grab the interview questionnaire from my blog and follow the instructions for submission. I'd love to publish an article about YOU!
Until next time I wish you a good day today and every day!
Remember to always 'Pay IT Forward' because one good deed deserves another.
Cheers my ♥s
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