Friday, June 25, 2010

Virginia Artisans begin the Summer with great expectations

May 14, 2:24 PMArtisans ExaminerBettie St.Ours

I haven't met a more optimistic group of people than the Virginia Etsy Street Team. They are all a busy group of people who juggle family, jobs, crafting, photographing, and listing their creations with creative captions, descriptions and even materials that they use to make the item so that the customer knows exactly what they are getting.

Then comes the packaging and mailing of the item out the customer . Most all of the artisans amp up the customers buying experience by including a personal note and even a little added surprise. Their way of saying thank you to the customer and making their on line shopping experience a pleasurable one. Just a wonderful experience that will made you smile.

Great customer service is a key factor in on line selling and once you service that customer in the best possible way, they will be eager to return and make another purchase from that shop.

In upcoming articles I will be telling you stories of the life and times of these Virginia artists through personal interviews. I will be showing you their talents and their creations.

For a sneak peek check out the slide show below and see their blog located at  Once a well kept secret now these artists are being put in the lime light, out there for you to meet!

Stay tuned and Subscribe to this page to be the first to know when my first of 50+ interviews are posted.

Once I get through the Virginia team interviews you can look forward to seeing feature articles on Etsy sellers world wide.

I look forward to your comments so please leave me some.

Until next time I wish you a good day today and every day!

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