Friday, June 18, 2010

Helping Hands Helping Others

There are a lot of folks out there who are in there own way helping to get things done, offering their services and donating or collecting donations to help those less fortunate.

Anyone who has a special cause that they would like to have me include in or write an article about be sure to contact me so that I can help you get the word out.

My articles are quickly gaining popularity and I am glad to help in any way I can. 

The recent Gulf Coast oil spill has brought a lot of folks to their feet and they are actively coordinating collections of money by way of donations from the sales of their craft items or by donating an item to a shop who when the item sales gives the entire amount to a specific charity or group.

I hope that you will do your part. All of these little bits here and there add up to a BIG bit collectively.  So your contribution no matter what size it is, adds up and counts!

Artisans to assist in the Gulf Coast clean up Part I

Virginia Artisans and everyone else is looking for ways to help with the Gulf Coast clean up efforts. This Etsy artisan community is no exception.

Artisans from all over are donating their handmade crafts to a shop set up by Kate and friends in an effort to raise money.

A collective Etsy shop has been set up to help the gulf coast recover from the massive BP oil spill. Etsy sellers have donated their items with 100% of the proceeds being given to charity.

Please visit Help the Gulf Coast shop which has a huge selection of beautiful handmade items, supplies and vintage gifts.

Please visit this shop and make a purchase to help support the affected people and communities. So little can go so far and this is one of the easiest things that you can do to help out and you get a beautiful handmade gift item to boot.

Shop owners if you would like to participate by donating an item to this shop, please check out their donation guidelines in the shop policies!!

♥ If you liked this article and want to know when I publish more articles and personal interviews with talented artisans CLICK HERE to subscribe to this column or use the button at the top of the article page, that way you will receive an automatic e-mail notification (no spam) whenever I publish an article (and while you're at it, please help me out by choosing me as your 'fav' Examiner) using the button above (: AND please always leave a comment below.

♥If you are a shop owner and/or an artistan and want to be interviewed, CLICK HERE to subscribe to this column, leave a comment (below) then grab the interview questionnaire from my blog and follow the instructions for submission. I'd love to publish an article about YOU!

Until next time I wish you a good day today and every day!

Remember to always 'Pay IT Forward' because one good deed deserves another.

Cheers my ♥s


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